Do you believe products, services and experiences around you could be improved in a sustainable way?
Are you curious about ways of solving problems with a creative and hands-on approach?
Do you believe that teamwork can bring amazing results if done right?
Then join us for an intense three-day creative problem-solving workshop and co-design working prototypes of possible future sustainable products, services and concepts!
Break free from your day-to-day life and learn how to work and collaborate through play and fun. Use a beginners mind and let yourself be curious.
DOING not TALKING! Immerse yourself in a creative process and prototype a new product, service, or initiative to inspire the world.
Meet new friends and connect to a global community of innovators. Share your opinions, experiences and ideas and learn from each other.
I'm in. I want a ticket.
What is a Jam?
A Jam is a high-energy event that brings diverse people together
to explore ways to change the world around them using play and design.
You know how musicians come together, each one with a different instrument and jam on a predefined theme? Basically, service jam is the same. A group of people from different backgrounds each equipped with their special knowledge ‘jam’ and create new awesome services! And Sustainability Jam is all about sustainable services! We are going to spend the weekend together searching for problems, conducting design research, brainstorming and exploring different ways to solve problems, prototyping and testing your ideas with real users, presenting your ideas and building business models. Sounds a lot? Don’t worry, we’ve done this before and will make sure you’ll get through as well.
The event will be held in English due to international guests and participants.
Join us even if:
(: You are not a designer
(: You have never heard of design thinking
(: You don’t have a particular idea which problem(s) to solve
(: You don’t consider yourself a creative person
Curiosity, positive attitude and 48 hours is all we ask of you.
Day1: Form a team | Meet your local innovators, form teams, and be inspired by a secret global theme
Day2: Build a prototype | Define your team challenge and go out into the world to discover insights and build something new.
Day3: Show the world | Collaborate with your team to improve your prototype and show it to real people in your community and to the world
Who are the organisers?
Ljubljana Sustainability Jam is organized by an amazing team of experienced jam organisers and jammers that have a passion for user centered design and want to make our world a better place. Having experienced jamming ourselves we want to continue with its tradition and share it with everyone else. We come from various backgrounds, including biotechnology, industrial design, economics and service design.
First Ljubljana Service Jam happened back in 2012. Since then we’ve organised 15 Jams, had more than 450 participants, 35 different people involved in organisation, 25 different sponsors and partners and gave more than 3.000 voluntary hours. Why? Because once you experience tha Jam you get addicted to the positive atmosphere, awesome people and all the learning involved. It’s an experience you never forget. Take a look at some of our previous jam below and see for yourself.
If still in doubt
There are some amazing people joining us
Belina Raffy | Maffick Ltd.
Belina Raffy, MBA, is a smiley, powerful, global improvisation consultant specialising in three things: co-creation processes, sustainability-focused business transformation, and helping people to talk about things that matter in engaging, impactful and funny ways.
She is the co-founder of the Thrivable World Quest, a pirate-y playful worldwide learning adventure on how we align organisations with nature. She is the founder of Sustainable Stand Up, which teaches people from NASA climate scientists, humanitarian workers, science communicators and ‘normal people’ how to use an engaging form of humour to get important ideas across. And she is the Empress and Master Collaborator at Maffick, a 10-year old improvisation consultancy organisation. She is also about to launch her first book, Using Improv to Save the World (and me) in February.
At the Jam, she will present her projects and experiences connected to sustainability through three different approaches and support all groups during the Jam with her applied improvisation skills.
Maja Šuštaršič | BIO Ljubljana
Maja Šuštaršič is Head of the Biennial of Design (BIO), Museum Counsellor and Curator at Museum of Architecture and Design. She studied art history and sociology of culture at the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts and holds a PhD in Anthropology of Arts from the Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities (ISH). She works for the Biennial of Design since 2006 and is Head of BIO since 2010. She initiated structural and organisational changes of BIO since 2007 and was leading the transformation of the biennial from a classical comparative exhibition of industrial design to an international platform for an experiment, production and developing alternatives for the future. She works on design exhibitions and manages design projects with a focus on an approach that supports the most vulnerable experimental and research stages of a design process and bases on collaboration and participatory co-curation. In 2017 she was a member of the interministerial working group for design strategy for the Republic of Slovenia and was managing the 25 th Biennial of Design: Faraway, So Close.
At the Jam she will present how the BIO – an event that is structured as a long-term collaborative process, where teams of designers and
multidisciplinary agents develop alternatives to established systems.
If you have any questions or if you’d like to talk to us, please send us a message below.
Ali verjamete, da bi bili lahko produkti, storitve in izkušnje okoli vas bolj trajnostne?
Ali ste radovedni in vas zanimajo različni načini reševanja izzivov na ustvarjalen in praktičen način?
Ali ste mnenja, da lahko s strukturiranim timskim delom dosežete boljše rezultate kot sami?
Pridružite se nam na tridnevni intenzivni delavnici reševanja problemov in sooblikovanja prototipov produktov, storitev in konceptov prihodnosti!
Naredite premor od vsakodnevnega dela in se naučite kako delati in sodelovati v sproščenem in igrivem okolju. Prepustite se lastni radovednosti in bodite odprti za nova odkritja.
Dovolj govorjenja, več akcije. Poglobite se v ustvarjalni proces in prototipirajte nov navdihujoč produkt, storitev ali iniciativo in jo delite s svetom.
Spoznajte nove prijatelje in se pridružite globalni skupnosti inovatorjev. Delite svoja mnenja, izkušnje ter ideje ter se učite od soudeležencev.
Ok, želim svojo vstopnico!
Kaj je Jam?
Jam je dinamičen in intenziven dogodek, ki združuje raznolike posameznike. Ti skupaj odkrivajo načine, kako na igriv način z oblikovanjem spremenijo svet okoli njih.
Pomislite na glasbenike, ki se zberejo vsak s svojim glasbilom in spontano igrajo na dano temo. Skupaj ustvarjajo glasbo, ki je ne bi morali drugače, druženje pa ni namenjeno popolni kompoziciji temveč odkrivanju melodij in ritmov. V svojem bistvu je Sustainability Jam enak. Skupina posameznikov z raznolikimi ozadji, vsak opremljen s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami, ‘jammajo’ ter soustvarjajo nove rešitve. Na Sustainability Jamu se bomo osredotočili na trajnostne izzive.
Dogodek bo zaradi mednarodnih gostov in udeležencev potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Skupaj bomo preživeli tri dni in:
(: Odkrivali, spoznavali in poskušali razumet izzive na področju trajnosti,
(: zasnovali in izpeljali kratko oblikovalsko raziskavo,
(: viharili in soustvarjali različne rešitve,
(: prototipirali in testirali ideje z resničnimi uporabniki,
(: predstavili svoje ideje na privlačen in jasen način.
Na vsakem koraku v procesu vas bomo podpirali in mentorirali izkušeni jammerji. Dogodka se lahko udeležite tudi, če niste oblikovalec ali nimate nobenega predhodnega znanja ali izkušenj s področja oblikovanja, še nikoli niste slišali za oblikovalsko mišljenje, ste brez ideje kater izziv bi lahko reševali, menite, da niste ustvarjalni.
Vse kar od vas potrebujemo je radovednost, pozitivno mišljenje in 48 ur.